Economy, Place, Access, and Transport Scrutiny Committee Work Plan

Quarterly finance and performance monitoring reports:
To include along with papers for the relevant committee date, but not to be treated as a substantive agenda item.  We can still raise questions/comments about them though by exception if Members wish to; perhaps then following up with specific agenda item in future.

Possible Task and Finish Groups to run in parallel.  Detailed scope needs working out between interested Members prior to committee approval.
- Grass verges, etc?
Interested Members: Cllrs Hook, Steward, and Taylor.
- Broadband installation issues?
Interested Members: Cllrs Hook and Nelson

Role of Executive Members:
- Expected to attend items relevant to their portfolio area
- Committee Members to maintain sight of Executive business and flag up specific issues/reports to bring to committee for scrutiny, pending space on the workplan.

Other notes for info:
To give sufficient notice we should aim to confirm these no later than 2 calendar months prior to each meeting. We should aim to keep to two substantive items per meeting to give the Committee sufficient time to properly consider an item.





Lead Officer


21 May 2024


Local Transport Plan update / latest consultation / upcoming decisions?

James Gilchrist
Michael Howard
Julian Ridge


25 June 2024


York pipeline of proposals for Combined Authority

Samuel Blyth



Yorkshire Water - sewage dumping / performance / improvement plans?



30 July 2024


(Out-turn) Finance and Performance Monitoring Report

Patrick Looker



Broadband: management of installation process and its impact on communities, maximising connectivity in harder-to-reach / isolated areas.





Toilet provision across the city:  improving the public offer.




24 September 2024


(Q1) Finance and Performance Monitoring Report

Patrick Looker



Neighbourhood Caretakers: can Scrutiny inform these plans?

James Gilchrist

Ben Grabham



Travel to School - plans for each school to make daily journeys safer, increase active travel, reduce congestion and air pollution around school sites




22 October 2024


City centre access:  reviewing the implementation / restoration of access for blue badge holders; including data on the numbers/types of vehicles accessing during foot street hours.  Plus looking at faults with HVB.




26 November 2024


(Q2) Finance and Performance Monitoring Report

Patrick Looker






10 December 2024


Economic Strategy progress update?




Economic Development - CYC / MIY / MCA / York Economic Partnership?



28 January 2025


Garden waste collections:  review of implantation of charging arrangements (when ready)


James Gilchrist

Ben Grabham



Review of bags to bins





Recycling (particularly garden waste / composing) and how the Council can increase rates, as well as education about recycling opportunities, across the city.



25 March 2025


(Q3) Finance and Performance Monitoring Report

Patrick Looker






29 April 2025






Potential Scrutiny agenda items suggested by Committee Members:


·        Economic Development: who does what between CYC, Make It York, and the  Mayor / Combined Authority.  Also role of York’s Economic Partnership?

·        York’s Gender Pay Gap

·        Tourism Levy:  what’s being done elsewhere, what is possible here?

·        Focus on Council-owned / part-owned companies?


·        Planning Enforcement / Member involvement in Planning

·        Make It York - normally receive annual update but - what would we specifically want from them?  Possibly something on relationship with market traders and plans for the market.

·        York BID - normally receive annual update - as above, and is the scrutiny of their business membership sufficient given our limited meeting time?

·        Recycling (particularly garden waste / composing) and how the Council can increase rates, as well as education about recycling opportunities, across the city.

·        York Central:  once the Master Developers start progressing their plans, could this committee have a role in giving early steer on them for relevant items?

·        Garden waste collections:  review of implantation of charging arrangements (when ready)

·        Review of bags to bins initiative

·        Neighbourhood Caretakers:  can Scrutiny inform these plans?

·        Budget savings:  2024/25 budget includes £900k savings in service delivery, transformation, and procurement across Place Directorate – can Scrutiny review any proposals lined up for services under EPAT’s remit?   Covered by F&P Monitoring reports?

·        Yorkshire Water / Sewage dumping and plans to improve their performance


·        Broadband: management of installation process and its impact on communities, maximising connectivity in harder-to-reach / isolated areas.

·        Toilet provision across the city:  improving the public offer.

·        Age Friendly York:  Can Scrutiny assist their Evolving Action Plan?

·        City centre access:  reviewing the implementation / restoration of access for blue badge holders; including data on the numbers/types of vehicles accessing during foot street hours.  Plus looking at faults with HVB.




·        Buses: network coverage and frequency, BSIP plan implementation and use of funding, improving the Enhanced Bus Partnership, Integration with Railway Station / Park & Ride, Bus Stop improvements, Passenger Information

·        Car Parking: provision across the city covering public, private and Park & Ride, income received, use, impact on closing Castle Car Park on the wider estate, wider aims e.g. shifting to less polluting vehicles.

·        Parking enforcement and residents parking:  cost, usage, equality, conditions relating to the Enviroment, use of any surplus generated, providing services the third parties e.g. car tax and insurance enforcement.

·        Bus lane enforcement on Coppergate - drop between July 2023 and October 2023 / ANPR enforcement across the city.

·        Transport Strategy: Local Transport Plan, who will do what between CYC / NYCC / YNYCA, forward plan of decisions and upcoming consultations.

·        On-street EV charging.

·        Review of Council’s pedestrian crossing policy

·        Travel to School – plans for each school to make daily journeys safer, increase active travel, reduce congestion and air pollution around school sites